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Thread: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    Like the Website Feedback thread...

    Now that things have settled some and we're kind of out of the "launch chaos" and into normal operation, we're going to start making some design changes to it.

    What do you like/not like about it?

    What would you add to it?

    What could we simplify?

    This thread is not meant so much for feature requests, but feel free to post those in another.

    It's meant more for design feedback to see what we can clarify/simplify/arrange better.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  2. #2

    Default Re: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    It would be nice if users could choose which vPanel page they land on when logging in. Some will want to go straight to the voicemail page, others perhaps the call log, etc.. If it's a pain to make this configurable, then perhaps allowing URLs like the following to go to their respective pages after login would suffice:

    As it is, if I use either of these URLs when I'm not already logged in, it gives me the login dialog followed by the "Welcome to vPanel!" page:

    I'd rather go to the actual URL I specified after it logs me in. Thanks for considering.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    First, I would move voicemail and devices to the main page since neither of them are features. Also, seperate the voice mail config options from the main voice mail inbox.

    Next, I would like to suggest a voicemail portal where family members can log in to check voicemail by using the voicemail pin and not the main portal password. The portal could be kept nice and simple so that it also works on moble phones as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    Better highlighting when moving over a tab. It should be visually distinct when you mouse over the tab and when you are actively on a page that is within that tab.

    Any indicator at all (change of background color, something) when selecting a sub-menu (like "Create Group" in the Contacts tab).

    When you select a tab with no other information (like Preferences), the page should at least encourage the user to choose one of the sub-menu items. Even the "Welcome to vPanel!" should direct the user to choose from one of the tabs.

    When you select the Features tab, you have a page with Basic Features to choose from. You can't get back to that page without clicking the Features tab. There should be a "Basic features" sub-menu item. Clicking the parent tab is not a good way to navigate.

    Along the same lines, the Contacts tab should have a sub-menu item for "View Contacts", or at least something to make it clear where you are.

    Make lists sorted in some fashion. I can't make sense of how anything is sorted on most pages. Viewing a contact's locations is not sorted by location or phone number, for example. Call routes, same thing.

    Speaking of call routes, sometimes "*" is replaced with [0-9], and sometimes it isn't.

    You can't pick a group for incoming call routes without choosing a different selection in the dropdown first.

    Add help to most pages. I have no idea what "Blacklist" means in incoming call routes compared to "Disconnected" or "Busy signal".

    Use more radio buttons and less dropdown boxes. On the Basic Features page, for example, I have to select the dropdown before I even know what my choices are.

    Call history lists phone numbers, and replaces some with text ("Voicemail"). It should also replace known contact name/locations in there.

    Change Call History to be more consistent with the other tabs. Instead of having a separate "All", "Incoming" and "Outgoing" in sub-tabs, make them sub-menu items directly beneath the Call History tab.

    Please add "0" to the Duration field in Call History. It looks very strange to see durations of "7.5", then "0." or "7.". The last two should read "0.0" and "7.0". Right-aligning that number would also be nice.

    "vPanel" and "VPanel" are used inconsistently. The titlebar and "Powered by" say "VPanel", but the welcome message and this thread refer to is as "vPanel".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    In the call history can we get some call totals? We have a 3000 minute a month soft cap which isnt a big deal but it would be a good thing to be able to see a total for the month and even the day since the list is sorted by date in reverse order.

    Also when searching the history, can you make it so we can search for partial numbers? I needed to search for a number but I only knew part of it and I ended up having to manually type in the hole number.
    also, I could be wrong but I dont believe unknown calls show up in the history either.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Tulsa, Oklahoma

    Default Re: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    * Call Logs are currently under going maintenance, searching feature will resume shortly! has to go LOL. It has been there like a week.

    Ok seriously now first I would update the copy right to 2009. Then I would recommend some basic instructions and/or a description of what your looking at.

    Teleblock page for example all it says is submit for inclusion. Put your number in and it does not do anything as far as I can tell. I mean your number does not show up under it and there is no way to remove it. No directions at all for it.

    Virtual numbers lets get some more states in there (I checked and more states are listed when you go to order a new account so why do they not show up in Vpanel). Some info on that page about what a virtual number is and how it may benefit someone would be nice. Some instructions on signing up. A few people like myself my decide they have no use for it if they understand it and not use it.

    Fax page lets add the pricing info.

    Call history page if you set it to only display the current days calls by default it should speed up the page load time and decrease the server load. Maybe add like a calendar that you click the day on the pages for All, Incoming, and Outgoing to display that days information only.

    Off topic but simul ring if it has not already been looked into could we have the issue looked into where if its enabled voicemail does not work anymore? I love that feature but can not use it if voicemail is not going to function. Until it is resolved adding a warning that this will disable voicemail might save you from support tickets or some people from the frustration of figuring it out on their own.

    Again just add some descriptions and instructions to the features ect.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    Block Caller ID (All Calls) should be included under Basic Features. *30 does not work on PAP2T.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    SW Florida

    Default Re: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    From my earlier posts in another topic:

    Features tab be the default tab displayed after logon to vPanel (or make it user selectable as other poster suggested). I don't think it is necessary to view the blank page with Welcome to Vpanel! each time.

    Allow destinations to be created for call-forwarding as they are for simul-ring.
    Enjoy life, it's not a dress rehearsal.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    St. Paul, MN

    Default Re: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    Just adding to one of the previous posters comments about voicemail - take it out from features and add it to the front page - at least the inbox portion so can view and play messages from front page. Keep the settings in with the features, but allow access to the messages from the front page instead of going 3 deep in a menu.

    Also maybe a pop up confirming the message should be deleted. And maybe a trash box for deleted voicemails instead of completly deleting them keeping them for 30 days or so? Not sure if that would be a website request or feature request though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    South Texas

    Default Re: vPanel Feedback/Suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Xponder1 View Post
    Ok seriously now first I would update the copy right to 2009.
    This has been discussed. Perhaps you remember. I will admit it does seem strange and the majority of people figure that the content is old and dated if the copyright date is not of the current year.

    I do like your calendar suggestion for the call log.


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