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Here's something interesting. I looked in my vPanel to see what it was saying about registered devices. It shows: sip:2817107009@
Shouldn't that be my WAN IP address? Is there anything in Asterisk I can use to adjust that so that it shows my IP? What are the ramifications of it using the .14 address (That is the IP of the trixbox server on my local network.
Vpanel shows my external IP address.
In your sip.conf did you set your externip= or externhost= information? Also, my sip.conf has nat=yes in it. You also need to set the localnet=. If you are using PBX In a flash, trixbox, etc you might need to edit a custom config file since the standard ones get overwritten. I am running AstLinux so it is a basic Asterisk install.
externhost=fully qualified domain name of my outside IP
externhost can also be externip=xx.xx.xx.xx if you have a static IP.