Based on feedback we've gotten, we've updated our "Hardware" page to give a little more flexibility.
The hardware page now lists all hardware in provisioning whether you ordered it from us or added a Linksys device of your own. Basically all devices that are provisioned by the VOIPo system are there.
Manage Two Devices Ports - You can now manage both ports on the device and assign two different accounts to them. This is useful if you want to do a 2 Line setup, cloned line, etc.
User Password - This password allows your users to login to limited areas of the device to assign a static IP address, etc. It does not give them access to the admin areas of it.
Admin Password - This password allows your users to login to the device for full access to everything.
Timezone - This is the timezone of the device. Many phones set their clock when they get an incoming call so it's important that this is accurate for the user to have accurate Caller ID info.
Port Settings - You can now change the port each device port uses to connect to VOIPo. This is useful if there is another device on the network using the same port and there is a conflict. Ideally only one port per line should be used behind the same network.
NOTE: All of these options require the device to be rebooted when they are applied.
Reboot Device - Send reboot signal to device if it's currently connected to our network.
Force Provisioning Update - Send a request to device for it to update its configuration with our provisioning server (needed after you make device changes). Only works if device is connected to our network at time of request. Devices automatically do this when rebooted.