
I have been communicating off and on with Voipo for over 6 months regarding having Voipo "host" my 2 incoming toll free numbers (business).

Once Timonthy Dick in an email even told me that even though the Vpanel at Voipo does not yet allow a user to upload a list of numbers to block such as solicitors, scammers, etc. - - - - Voipo DOES allow a user to input individual numbers to block (and continue adding more numbers to block as well).

So today I call up and the representative says sorry, that service is only allowed on residential accounts and not on business incoming.

I would have to argue that Voipo is missing a HUGE opportunity here.

I have spoke to several guys in business and explained to them that this service is available and they all exclaim


It's because their staff - - - like mine - - - are suffering 75% to 90% of all incoming calls all day long as scammers, solicitors and other undesireables.

This is costing American business a LOT of time and money.

The VOIP company that implements this feature (with uploading an entire database as well of numbers to block) is going to have business people THROWING MONEY at them to get this feature.