If there's any one factor that makes or breaks a startup it's online buzz and customer service.
I posted 2 simple questions on 4/13 ("Renewal Rates" and "Adapter 2nd Line for Other Service?") and got a deafening ignore from the forum and the company. Four days later someone else posted an inquiry and got a reply from the guy who owns the company--who OBVIOUSLY read my questions on his way to the one he did answer.
I also see numerous posts from potential customers dating back to late last year with zero replies. Huh?
What message does it send to a potential customer attempting to evaluate a provider when the provider totally ignores sales related inquiries? Obviously the message is "if they can't be bothered to answer a simple question to get my business, they sure won't support me after they get my business!"
Come on guys, I'm a big small startup fan--start acting like you want to succeed. Take a few minutes to READ and RESPOND to forum posts--or close the damned forum so folks won't be frustrated by your indifference....
HOME PAGE: "It may sound crazy in this day and age, but we care about your experience with our VoIP service and appreciate your business. Really."