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Thread: X-Lite 4 Setup Success

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default X-Lite 4 Setup Success

    I got my X-Lite 4 to answer calls after a little fiddling around, the last step was to tell it what ports to use.

    Starting with a standard configuration for X-Lite, Windows 7, and a Linksys WRT610N, all I had to do was setup some port forwarding on the router, bless X-Lite 4 in Windows Firewall, and setup a range of ports in X-Lite 4. It seems to work OK with only two ports. It might be useful for other newbies if there was a basic setup guide for various combinations of routers, desktop OS's, and softphones, but this was pretty easy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Durham, NC

    Question Re: X-Lite 4 Setup Success

    A little background: I've successfully configured the "Media5-Fone" app on my 4G iPod Touch to handle both inbound and outbound VOIPo calls. This works great and is configured without the use of a STUN server. Voice quality is awesome.

    However, I've recently started tinkering with the X-Lite softphone on my Macbook Pro and I can't get it to work without adding the VOIPo STUN server to the X-Lite configuration settings. This would normally be fine, but the voice quality via X-Lite sounds pretty bad when compared to what I'm experiencing when using the Media5-Fone app on the iPT, so I'm wondering if the STUN server is to blame for the poor quality.

    At any rate, when I remove the STUN server from the X-Lite settings it seems that the outbound calls that I dial are getting connected but I can't hear the other phone "ring" and I don't hear any voice from the other end. I've tried changing the X-Lite port setting but no dice. Right now X-Lite is using port range 5060-5070. I can also see that X-Lite is registered in the "Devices" section of the VOIPo vPanel.

    The MBP and iPT are both connected to the same home wifi network, VOIPo ATA is upstream from my wireless router, and I'm never running the two different SIP applications at the same time. I've also configured the MBP firewall to allow incoming connections to the X-Lite application. Any help?
    Last edited by Tooth; 08-21-2012 at 08:32 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: X-Lite 4 Setup Success

    All stun does is help the softphone see what's the ip address and how the router NATting effects ports. So your soft phone on the laptop with out stun thinks it's ipaddress is your internal address ie (192.168.1.x) but with stun it see it's your actual public ip address. This is simplified but you get the point.

    The audio quality is unaffected by stun. what is the audio quality problem's you are having?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Durham, NC

    Default Re: X-Lite 4 Setup Success

    I've always understood that STUN doesn't affect audio quality, but the audio was really choppy when I included the STUN server ( in the configuration settings. By comparison, I didn't have these audio problems when using a SIP app on my iOS device which is not configured to use STUN.

    At any rate, I was able to search these forums and the forums at broadbandreports to finally figure out the correct settings without having to use STUN. In summary, I added ":5061" to the end of the domain name ("") and, in the Topology section, I set the Firewall Transversal Method to "Auto-detect (ICE, recommended)".

    Now X-Lite works great and I don't notice the choppy audio that I was experiencing when I had it configured to use STUN.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Durham, NC

    Default Re: X-Lite 4 Setup Success

    For all my fellow Mac users, I also wanted to mention that the simplicity of the "Google Telephone" app makes it a pretty stellar softphone application:

    Google Telephone has fewer features that X-Lite, of course, but its simplicity and ease of use gets a lot of points in my book.


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