Re: Faxing
I've never used the online fax gateway, so I can't say how it works. But I do fax with a fax machine connected to my voipo line, and it always works. Granted, I only fax 2-3 times a month, but it works. I use a 9600 baud fax machine (Brother intellifax 775) and i turn OFF ECM. Sends and receives every time.
Of course, my number 1 priority has been to educate business associates to move into the 21st century and stop faxing. Matter of fact, I cancelled service with one vendor until they started doing email. I told them I wouldn't fax to them any longer. They changed their ways. The only people I fax now are non-recurring vendors. But I tell them if they want future business, they need to use email. Most of them comply. Fax is just so useless in today's world and technology. There's so many ways to sign a PDF or file and send it back, that there's absolutely no reason for faxing. It takes time to educate people, and in the mean time, I'll manually fax a couple times a month. I started signing PDF, file, etc... about 2 years ago. My goal is to never fax again by 2013, except for the rare government type agency who has me by the gonads. But for people who I do financial business with; they update their technology or we don't do business any longer.
"Born Wild - Raised Proud"
Do you like your life? - Thank a Vet!!!