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Thread: Redesigned Site

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Redesigned Site

    PS: Yes, the new vPanel design is right behind it and will be rolled out soon.
    I am extremely skeptical. When I joined VOIPo over a year ago I saw promises dating back to 2009 that a new VPanel is coming. This most recent statement is over two months old and still we are saddled with the terrible, hard-to-navigate, old VPanel. This is by far and away the worst feature of an otherwise good product.

    Where is the upgraded VPanel?!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Re: Redesigned Site

    Quote Originally Posted by dpiehl View Post
    I am extremely skeptical. When I joined VOIPo over a year ago I saw promises dating back to 2009 that a new VPanel is coming. This most recent statement is over two months old and still we are saddled with the terrible, hard-to-navigate, old VPanel. This is by far and away the worst feature of an otherwise good product.

    Where is the upgraded VPanel?!

    VOIPo is an extremely fast-growing company in a very complex industry (telecom). We have to balance adding new things and maintaining our infrastructure and doing a lot of behind the scenes upgrades to maintain the growth without sacrificing the quality.

    While some might disagree, I prioritize keeping the service stable and reliable above enhancing it. Due to our fast growth, this means we often have lots of unexpected projects that have to take priority in order to keep our load under control so our system can handle the growth. This sometimes makes enhancements move slower than we'd like because they have to be balanced in with other development work (to keep things reliable and able to handle the load) that ultimately may be unplanned but take a higher priority.

    The new VPanel is in the works and we will upgrade it in the future. We are not providing ETAs or timelines for this since it has to be worked in with all the other development we have going on which can be somewhat unpredictable.

    We'd love to roll out new stuff constantly but ultimately but we have to be sure we keep up with the growth and don't run into growing pains along the way.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Redesigned Site

    As a beta tester of Residential, I admired that Tim extended the soft-launch and full launch of their business until Tim was satisfied. I'm sure that cost plenty of money, but really avoided problems down the road. Their innovation and updates, such as the new vPanel may seem slow, but I have confidence that infrastructure, ability to scale, and consistent dial tone will always trump any dates Tim might predict.

    Looking forward to 2012 Tim!

    Using VOIPo services since February 2007
    Beta Tested the VOIPo Reseller Plan.
    A happy VOIPo Residential Customer

    Using VoIP devices since 12-2002
    Companies I've tried
    iConnectHere|Vonage|BroadvoxDirect|Vonage|Packet8| VOIPo
    VOIPo is a keeper!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Redesigned Site

    Please consider the VPanel may be keeping you from picking up more customers.

    I have talked shared my satisfaction with VOIPo with many of my friends and relatives but I always stop short of recommending they sign up for your service because of the VPanel interface is so hard to navigate. I am sure I would end up providing tech support when they can't find their way around.

    Quality is compatible with stability and reliability at a good price. Thanks!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Redesigned Site

    actually, I agree with both dpiehl and usa2k
    If you are moving from PSTN you probably haven't had a need to access telco's website more than a few times a year (other than view your charges). So, ugly website wouldn't be the reason that prevents you from switching.

    However, VOIP is much more than cheap PSTN (annoying Vonage commercials notwithstanding). I love FreePBX interface, but obviously it's a huge overkill for residential service. However, OBi control panel ("expert pages") is something to emulate. Even if you take away VSP pages that are maintained by VOIPo and locked - there are still numerous "user" settings that are exposed in clear and fairly logical manner.

    Tim is correct, that it is always a matter of priorities (or ROI). From that perspective, I am sure there are people who appreciate the difference between "black list", "disconnect", and "busy signal" as call route action. However, whoever decided to implement this functionality before improvements in website UI needs some additional training...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Redesigned Site

    Hmm... I posted yesterday, and it looks like it is still in "moderation queue". Strange, since other posts were posted since.
    Don't know what the rules are, since this one was posted immediately as well...

    UPDATE: I just notice that there is a whole thread related to moderation glitches. I would move this message there, but I don't see a way to delete from here, and I don't want to cross-post
    Last edited by ymhee_bcex; 12-23-2011 at 12:01 PM.


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