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Thread: Mwi

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Central Cali :)

    Default Re: Mwi

    My wife would never think of pressing anything to listen to 'old' messages They should play after 'new' messages without any action needed. Must be a better way. And the control panel makes no mention of 'old' vs 'new' messages.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Mwi

    Right there with you. But that's the way Asterisk vmail is set up out of the box. I don't know how easy it would be to reconfigure it to flag 'new' vs 'old' messages without multiple folders...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Re: Mwi

    VOIPoRay is working on voicemail this week and any more voicemail problems you run into, please post about so they can be included.

    He is checking it and has found a few more minor things as well (like changing PIN by phone not saving).

    Also the issue with failover enabled = voicemail not working is on that list, etc.

    Keep posting...
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Kitsap County, WA.

    Default Re: Mwi

    Working good here.

    Voice mails dont show up via the link, SMS nor email for me any more either.

    I Void Warranties.

  5. #15
    VOIPoRay Guest

    Default Re: Mwi

    Quote Originally Posted by fisamo View Post
    The voicemail on vPanel seems to be out of sync with the actual VM system now. For a while on my 1199 line, I had about 10 messages in the inbox that I never bothered to listen to. They were all listed in the vPanel, no problem. I tried using vPanel to delete them, but they were still there when I dialed into the VM system. After deleting them with the VM system, they were gone.

    Now, I've placed a few test calls to the line and left messages. They seem to be accepted just fine (and when I hit the pound key, Allison says, "Thank you." ) I know the messages are there, because the MWI light (on my ZOOM) comes on immediately, and I get stutter tone. When I log into the system by touch tone, I can get the messages.

    It's pretty amazing how quickly the MWI light updates--when leaving the first message, it comes on just as I hit the # key; when deleting messages, it goes off as I log out of the VM system.

    FWIW, I still have the problem that when setting failover to forward to a number (at least a SIP address), calls do not go to VM. After ringing the specified number of times, the call is sent to the failover phone number. With a SIP address, it seems to just get dead air after the number of rings...
    The VM in VPanel should now be back in sync. My account is working now. Please test and see how it goes.

    The issue with the call not going to VM on a failover number should be addressed withing the next few days.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Mwi

    Glad to hear it, and welcome aboard, VOIPoRay! Kudos on the MWI work--it looks great. When I get a chance, I'll test the VM functions again.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Central Cali :)

    Default Re: Mwi

    Just for sh!ts & giggles I deleted everything under the 'Voicemail Email' tab. Then I re-entered my email info/mms email info/sms info. And this time I did get an email, an mms notification and an sms notification.

    But wait.... the mms message said 'the corrupted part audio/vnd.wave;name=msg0000.wav' was removed from the message. And the email message also gave me an error when trying to play the attachment.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: OT

    I have a phone problem where I guess I need to submit a ticket.
    (Incoming has no audio - outgoing is fine.
    I *think* my audio issue was my 2nd registered device for the same number.
    Seems to work with that offline

    Using VOIPo services since February 2007
    Beta Tested the VOIPo Reseller Plan.
    A happy VOIPo Residential Customer

    Using VoIP devices since 12-2002
    Companies I've tried
    iConnectHere|Vonage|BroadvoxDirect|Vonage|Packet8| VOIPo
    VOIPo is a keeper!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Re: OT

    Quote Originally Posted by usa2k View Post
    I *think* my audio issue was my 2nd registered device for the same number.
    Seems to work with that offline
    Glad to hear.

    One suggestion with that that is for everyone with multiple devices.

    Please make sure that if you have multiple ATAs on your network that they are using a different SIP port.

    We run on ALL ports in the range of 5060-5080. If you already have something in 5060, register to us using an alternate port.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Mwi

    vPanel seems to have the voicemail messages now, but it's not quite as instant as MWI. In fact, the delay seems somewhat variable. (I called, left a message, tried refreshing immediately--saw nothing. Called again, logged out of vPanel, logged in. Saw the SECOND VM message, but not the first. Called a few more times, was logged out of vPanel, waited several minutes, logged in, all messages there.) I also set forwarding to my email account. In no case did the attachment come through--gmail says that all the attachments have 0k length.

    When I click on the phone number in the vPanel listing of the messages, I presume it's supposed to play the message, right? I get nothing--no launch of a media player, no audio. Is this feature supposed to work now?

    Messages don't seem to clear from vPanel right away after being deleted over the phone. I deleted the msgs by touchtone, refreshed vpanel screen, and the messages were still listed. Logged out of vPanel and logged back in. Messages were still there. However, after a few minutes (we're talking one or two) and another log-out/log-in, the messages were gone. To me, this kind of delay is acceptable.


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