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Thread: Android and Voipo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Android and Voipo

    Was wondering if anyone has had any success using voipo as a softphone app on their android via WIFI? If so, which voip softphone software were you using? Also; if you are provisioned with your softphone, what affect does it have on your normal voipo at home with the voip adapter?

    I have a business/personal trip coming up around November/December. I'll be out of the country for a little while. Mostly in the Caribbean. Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Belize, Mexico, and a couple other places. I don't want to register my cell phone for service down there because it's a bit expensive. My son was just in Peru for a month and we tried to use Skype between his phone and mine, but it was totally choppy. Not sure if the government affects the ports on internet traffic in Peru or not. I believe the couple times I've used Skype in the USA, it worked OK. But I'd like to try VoipO if it is available. If not, I will take my chances with Skype. Any experience? Thanks... Mike....
    "Born Wild - Raised Proud"
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Irvine CA

    Default Re: Android and Voipo

    I'm not sure on what app to recommend but I know we have a ton of users using soft phones. I can answer the question about the home adapter shouldn't see any impact. When a call comes in, both should ring.

    It's going to be hit/miss outside of the country and will depend a lot on the connection...too many variables to say anything definitive. I have several friends that have used the service with only minor issues in the Bahamas.
    Last edited by VOIPoTim; 08-19-2011 at 12:37 AM.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  3. #3
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    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Android and Voipo

    Thanks Tim. I'll research some softphone apps for the android and try it out. Mike.....

    P.S. Tim; I just had a thought. The failover feature with voipo monitors the voip adapter; e.g. PAP2 for connectivity. If it notices that the adapter isn't there, VoipO will automatically forward your calls to where you have it set up. e.g. Cell phone. If I have a softphone installed on a laptop, or android handset, and the software is running in the background, does the VoipO server see this as a registered voip adapter. In other words, if my "REAL" voipo adapter at home went down because my broadband provide took a dump, but voipo saw the softphone running, would it NOT go into failover and forward the calls to my cell phone because it saw it connected on the laptop via a softphone? Things that make you go hmmmmm. Thanks. Mike....
    Last edited by christcorp; 08-19-2011 at 08:18 AM.
    "Born Wild - Raised Proud"
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Android and Voipo

    If it sees any device registered whether it be an ATA or softphone, it would not go to your failover. It would only go to failover if no devices are registered at all.

  5. #5
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    Irvine CA

    Default Re: Android and Voipo

    Quote Originally Posted by christcorp View Post
    Thanks Tim. I'll research some softphone apps for the android and try it out. Mike.....

    P.S. Tim; I just had a thought. The failover feature with voipo monitors the voip adapter; e.g. PAP2 for connectivity. If it notices that the adapter isn't there, VoipO will automatically forward your calls to where you have it set up. e.g. Cell phone. If I have a softphone installed on a laptop, or android handset, and the software is running in the background, does the VoipO server see this as a registered voip adapter. In other words, if my "REAL" voipo adapter at home went down because my broadband provide took a dump, but voipo saw the softphone running, would it NOT go into failover and forward the calls to my cell phone because it saw it connected on the laptop via a softphone? Things that make you go hmmmmm. Thanks. Mike....

    Failover basically only kicks in if there is nothing connected to our server for the account (could be a soft phone or the ATA). As long as one is connected it wouldn't kick in.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Android and Voipo

    Cool. Thanks for the Info. I've found about 4-5 decent voip softphone apps for the android. I'll experiment with them and give a review/assessment for anyone here who is interested. thanks again.... mike....\
    "Born Wild - Raised Proud"
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Android and Voipo

    Quote Originally Posted by christcorp View Post
    Cool. Thanks for the Info. I've found about 4-5 decent voip softphone apps for the android. I'll experiment with them and give a review/assessment for anyone here who is interested. thanks again.... mike....\
    I don't use it a lot, but I've had good luck with CSipSimple. It was easy to configure, and it works when I occasionally use it.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Android and Voipo

    I second what frankd1 said. I use CSipSimple as well. It was easy to configure and it just flat works. Although it drains the hell out of my DroidX battery.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Android and Voipo

    Well I've been using "Sipdroid" on my HTC Incredible 2, for the last month. It's been working quite fine. Easy to set up. Allows up to 2 sip accounts that you can switch between the two. Will allow both incoming. I only have a few places where cellular service isn't available; but a WIFI signal is. E.g. Basement of one of the office buildings I work in sometimes. Sometimes a site in the middle of no where. We have internet and wifi but no cell signal. It has come in handy.

    Also, when I'm expecting an important call, instead of going online or to my home phone and forwarding it or doing a simulring; I simply turn the "SipDroid" app on in my HTC Droid and it receives the calls too. Much faster and simpler. Then I don't have to remember to turn off forwarding, simulring, etc...

    The only issue I had was a recent trip to Peru. Apparently they block a lot of ports. I couldn't get any Cell service, "Without paying a lot", but I could get wifi. The calls back to the states was very choppy. It wasn't a voipo thing because the exact same thing happened when using Skype. But in the states, it works great. I was recently at a local airport that believe it or not, had almost no cell signal. But they did have free open WIFI. One click and Sipdroid made a perfect call to my wife at her work. "She was a little confused when she saw our HOME Caller-ID. She thought I was home when I called. She panicked. I told her I was at the destination airport and all was fine. Told her how I made the call being the cell service wasn't available. She giggles at me being a techno-geek; but she admits it comes in handy. "Except last night when she saw me with my NEW Android with the back cover off and a soldering iron in my hand". She was speechless. I told her I was improving the GPS reception. She just covered her ears and walked out. LOL

    Anyway; SIPDroid seems to be working fine. I might give CSipSimple a try. Thanks for the info. mike....
    "Born Wild - Raised Proud"
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Android and Voipo

    Like christcorp I use sipdroid to connect to VoipO over 3G and WIFI.

    The problem you're going to run into is Voipo supports G711 only which could be a little too much bandwidth for 3G, over wifi though you should be ok. Though I can see bandwidth, packet loss, and delay/jitter problems with calling from foreign countries.

    My setup is a little different since I run asterisks and connect all my endpoints to that then connect to VOIPO as a trunk. This allows me use GSM when running over 3G.

    Try it you really having nothing to lose.


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