The included account is designed for the reseller use ONLY and is not intended to be resold since it offers unlimited minutes.

We've made some changes to how the "Included Accounts" will be handled in order to prevent abuse of this where a reseller might put one of their high use clients on "their account".

Included Residential Account

Each reseller accounts will include one residential account for personal use.

This residential account has unlimited minutes (subject to softcap). It's a VOIPo-managed account and will not be managed in the reseller panel. This account will have VOIPo branding like a traditional VOIPo account. VOIPo support will handle changes to this account (such as password resets).

Included Account ATA

The included account includes a free lease of a VOIPo ATA for use with it.

The included ATA is subject to the same policies surrounding normal VOIPo accounts. It's provided on a free lease basis and must be returned or purchased upon cancellation of the reseller account.

This ATA cannot be assigned to other resold accounts since that would mean giving it to a client and it leaving your possession which would make it hard to get it back upon account cancellation.

VOIPo support will handle all provisioning for this ATA.