
I'm a new user, and one of my initial questions to support before I signed on was whether or not you could have the voicemails forwarded to two email addresses, instead of just one, since my wife and I both like to get notifications. The support staff said it wasn't possible currently, but it wasn't a huge deal because I could just send it to a catch address that would forward it to whatever.

After signing up, I visited the voicemail setup page, and there was the one field. Being a coder myself, and having written a few different email processing scripts in my day, I thought I'd try something that works on some email form scripts. I just entered two email addresses, separated by a comma. Since this data is likely just entered into the "to" field of the resulting email, it should work... and it did. Both emails got the voicemail. I'm not sure if this will work with more than two, but there you go.

One odd thing, when I view raw details on the message, the "to" field reads this:

"xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com, xxxxxxxxxx"@gmail.com

That second quote shouldn't be there, and I'm not sure if that's Google, or voipo adding that in, but who knows - your milage may vary.