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05-19-2009, 08:27 PM
I would like to know if it's possible to forward my Virtual number to a different ring group than the primary. as far as I can tell the SIP header of the Virtual number is showing with the primary. Please let me know if you know the answer


05-19-2009, 08:32 PM
Hi Sam,

Since our virtual numbers are designed to ring through to the main one, we don't offer the ability to change that.

We've had some requests for it, but unfortunately it opens up things to abuse since people could try to use them for a high-volume business application or resell them, etc.

05-19-2009, 09:13 PM
Thanks Tim for the quick reply, but since incoming calls are unlimited, can't you allow the virtual number to show up with it's own header?


05-19-2009, 09:29 PM
Thanks Tim for the quick reply, but since incoming calls are unlimited, can't you allow the virtual number to show up with it's own header?

The pricing is based on normal residential use.

If we were sending it separately someone could as an example send them to Asterisk and then sell each one to someone and the usage would skyrocket, so we have to limit ability to do some things like that so the usage stays within a normal residential average.

05-20-2009, 06:17 AM
You would have to lock it to the MAC ID of the ATA ...
but I guess the ATA could feed an Asterisk server.

I guess that is another reason why my wish list can't happen.
Even an incoming different ring tone could lead to that abuse.

Cloned line is working great. I should think of a new wish list :)

05-28-2009, 11:01 AM
The pricing is based on normal residential use.

If we were sending it separately someone could as an example send them to Asterisk and then sell each one to someone and the usage would skyrocket, so we have to limit ability to do some things like that so the usage stays within a normal residential average.


are you willing to do it for a fee?

05-31-2009, 01:31 AM

are you willing to do it for a fee?

Our system is designed not to do it so there's no real way to control it on a per user basis. Sorry.

What you could do though is convert the VN to a Forwarded Local one. These can forward anywhere, but the pricing includes 300 minutes per month (including the forwarding) then it's 2.5 cents per minute after that.

Not sure if that would work for you, but it's an option.
