View Full Version : International calls billing?

10-19-2009, 01:14 PM
How are the international calls billed for a pre-paid anual account? Do I need to have positive redit balance to continue after 60 min. allowance? If so, is it taken from credit balance right away? If not, is it billed monthly to credit balance or credit card?

When I took the advange of propmo pricing on my anual account, the money in credit balance (from shipping HT502 back) was not applied. When is this balance applied?


10-19-2009, 01:17 PM
International calls are usually billed the first week of each month. If there is a lot of usage on an account we'll typically 0 it out sooner.

The credit balance is applied to any automatically generated invoices. It likely wasn't on the extension since that was a manual transaction. If you contact us we can arrange to apply it/refund part of extension or you can leave it for auto generated invoices (including international).

We have a new billing system launching by the end of the year that is all real-time and will show "pending charges" like international calls live.

10-19-2009, 01:32 PM
Thanks. I will leave it there for international calls.