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View Full Version : SIP Unsolicited MWI NOTIFY?

09-17-2010, 10:06 PM
My apologies if this has already been answered in another thread, I did do a search and came up with nothing...

What's the best way to activate the MWI on my PAP2T phone programatically without any voice mail in my inbox?

Should I send an unsolicited MWI NOTIFY to my ID at sip.voipwelcome.com or to my PAP2T directly, or something else, or is this forbidden by VOIPo, or is this impossible?

I have quite a few years of TCP/IP experience so the complexity involved won't be an issue; I'm just not very familiar with how MWI works with SIP.

Please let me know your ideas,



09-18-2010, 01:50 PM
If that was allowed, people could cause a lot of mischievous service support questions.

09-18-2010, 02:31 PM
Yep, I didn't think it would be a viable option to send an unsolicited MWI NOTIFY to sip.voipwelcome.com, but it should be pretty easy to send one directly to my PAP2T from another node on my LAN.

Basically I want my PAP2T's MWI light to show me the status of my Google Voice voicemail.

When new Google Voice voicemail arrives, my monitoring server will see it and then it will activate my PAP2T MWI light.

On the flip side of the coin, it would also disable the PAP2T MWI light after the Google Voice voicemails were listened to.

Generating the unsolicited MWI NOTIFY packet is easy, but I was wondering if there was a better way to control a PAP2T's MWI light.

09-18-2010, 06:05 PM
Maybe a feature idea would be a text message to VOIPo that has the VMWI activated?
There is already Beta SMS controls, and I *think* Google Voice can do SMS.
I don't use Google Voice so maybe the sending of SMS is not realistic. (Just brainstorming.)

09-18-2010, 06:15 PM
Yes, GV can send an SMS but you can't control the content of it.

09-18-2010, 10:57 PM
Yes Google Voice sends an SMS voicemail notification, to multiple phones that you configured, and that's what I'm currently using in lieu of getting the MWI light unsolicited SIP NOTIFY done.

When Google Voice sends an SMS voicemail notification, the SMS sender number is your personal Google Voice number, and it contains the fixed text "You've got a new voicemail from " followed by a phone number, followed by ". Preview: " and then a transcription of the voice mail (which is sometimes pretty funny but often accurate enough for you to understand nonetheless). So the SMS is easy to verify that it came from Google Voice, ignoring caller ID spoofing.

If VOIPo added a feature where if I configured Google Voice to send an SMS to my VOIPo SIP phone number to activate the PAP2T's MWI light, then that would be an amazing feature for VOIPo to be able to market as a huge differentiator between it and its competitors. I don't think any other VOIP provider provides that.