View Full Version : Quick Start Guide for End Users

06-30-2011, 04:00 PM
I know a lot of you old and new have asked about a way to that you can take your made quick start dvds and send them down to tim for distribution into your boxes as they are shipped out.

I have a solution for this and it is cost saving as well.

You can opt to do what I have done and I will have a link soon for a preview.

I have hired a person that is good in front of a camera to put on my corporate branded shirt and follow my script and setup the voip box in real time.

I have taken all of the produced cuts and made a quick start interactive application that can be clicked on from my site and they can interact with it and quickly and easily set up their new voip box.

They have to have internet in order to have our voip box so this idea works,

In return we are savings tons of money that we have and would continue to spend duplicating quick start dvd's and pamphlets.

That's the big one,

I am working on a low cost solution to mock up after what I have made in connection with the company that I hired to partner up with me and provide this service to any who are interest for the best possible price depending on how many people would like what I have.

Second thing that we are doing which is also asked of tim is if we can send our stickers in bulk and they put it on our boxes.

Here is the way to get your customers to subconsciously put your branding on their voip box without them realizing it.

I made a custom sticker with my logo and underneath that I have my site name on it and underneath that i have my support toll free number

In addition I have taken the stickers that comcast, vonage and all the others have of the E-911 and have made my own in bulk.

I send out 2 E-911 stickers on 1 sheet and 2 custom company stickers.

And I mail it out to them along with a welcome letter welcoming them to our company etc.

You would be surprised on how many actually stick it on their voip box.

The logical answer is that they want to have your info ready for reinsurance if they need support.