View Full Version : Reseller refill threshold

10-05-2011, 10:40 AM
All of my reseller customer accounts went down this morning.

For some reason my credit card didn't clear, even though my bank says it was authorized and should have gone through.

As a result, none of my customers had phone service for 2 hours while I tried resubmitting the payment and eventually got it to work.

Can we get the refill threshold set to something other than $0? It needs to try refilling at $50 or some limit the reseller selects. That way if there is a failed payment, we don't have hundreds or thousands of customers cut off all at once.

10-05-2011, 11:05 AM
FYI, resolved the payment issue. Turns out the post office recently changed the name of my street address, so the address verification failed on voipos refill process. I just had to update voipo and my credit card company so everything matched.

Anyway, having reseller accounts lock out is just not acceptible. I'm happy to prepay, but let's get the refill threshold set somewhere other than $0... preferrably a reseller selectable amount, but at least $50 or something, so resellers have time to figure out why a refill didn't work before their accounts turn off.

This was a bad morning.