Originally Posted by
This is correct behavior -- the way failover works is as follows:
[incoming call from pstn] -> [voipo's network] -> [voipo device on your network]
If we can not deliver the call from B to C i.e. C does not respond in any form or fashion to our "delivering" of the call, B will initiate failover, however when simul ring is in effect you have to keep in mind C also includes your PSTN locations when simul ring is in effect, so once simul ring sends an outbound call to your destination and there is a successful response, i.e. 180 ringing or something of the such this call now has a successful branch and failover will never engage after this point, because it is no longer a failure condition.
Edit: Also wanted to add that the device listing under your VPanel has no effect on failover initiating or not, all this means is that we have an active registration in our network still, and it will auto expire after 300 seconds (or 5 minutes) which happens to also be the re-registration interval (if the device does not re-register, this entry will be cleared)
Let me know if this all makes sense, thanks!