We are still new with the Reseller program and would be interested if any else has the trouble on how to charge their customers for their International usage?

This seems to us that this is going to sink the RESELLER PROGRAM as right now it is an all or nothing deal when you click on allow International calls. What happens when just a few of your clients dial all day everyday International and the charges just ring up?

Once again, just curious if anybody else would be willing to share how they are tackling this major issue with selling plans?

For us, since we are still working on getting everything final, we are doing it manually.. :-( and I tell you you what it is a PAIN.

Finally, not only is International charges a pain, but also just charging for everything is really a nightmare with the RESELLER Product when you actually look at the vPanel, charges for things like 800 Numbers and the per minute rates, FAX, and on and on...