I have set-up by OBi110 using Google Voice(GV) as Service Provider 1(SP1) and everything is working fine as intended including incoming, outgoing and international calling using GV account for last few months.
The problem I have now is that I am trying to set-up my VOIPo SIP Account on Service Provider 2(SP2) but I am seeing "Register Failed: 401" instead of "Connected"(see screenshots). I am using the SIP information provided in Control Panel as below and inputting it in Obi interface as shown in the attached screenshot.
SIP configuration information:
SIP Server: sip.voipwelcome.com
Username: (SIP Account Username)
Password: (SIP Account Password)
Can you provide any information or documentation on how VOIPo SIP Accounts are intended to work and has anyone here in this forum(VOIPo Customer) been able to successfully get this VOIPo SIP to work with OBi110 for incoming calls on SP2?
If the above proposed set-up works, I would like to stop the forwarding VOIPo number to GV for incoming calls and avoid 2 hops and directly have the VOIPo number on SP2. The number with VOIPo is something I have had for roughly 15+ years and I would like to keep that number for incoming calls(in case if someone is thinking why do I need this set-up with VOIPo forwarding it to GV if everything with GV is working fine).
Any suggestions welcome...
