Is there a list of all the settings I should use to configure my BYOD phone? I'm looking for settings for the following:

  • User name
  • Password
  • Domain
  • Proxy
  • Outbound proxy (on/off)
  • Enable video (on/off)
  • Audio codecs
  • Adaptive rate control
  • Codec bitrate limit
  • Send inband DTMF (on/off)
  • Send SIP INFO DTMFs (on/off)
  • Edge optimization (on/off)
  • STUN Server
  • ICE (on/off)
  • Transport (UDP/TCP/TLS)
  • Media Encryption (None/SRTP)

Some settings (like password) vary per user, and some (like adaptive rate control?) may be based on my device and network and unrelated to Voipo's service. Since I'm not a VoIP expert, it's not obvious which settings have known values specific to Voipo, and what those values are. It would be great to have a list of settings in the forum, or better yet, in the knowledge base.