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Thread: General Update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default General Update

    From HostGator Forum Just Now:

    I wanted to give everyone a general update on the launch status. We’re extending the BETA for the time being.

    The primary issue we’re facing now is that we're in the process of filling a few key technical positions and just like HostGator and most other American companies, we’re having problems finding people to fill these positions. It’s unfortunate and ironic given all the reports of such a bad job market, but is probably the biggest problem businesses in our country face.

    I really feel we’re lacking on the technical side and would feel better with a few additional positions in that area filled. While it’s not a critical issue right now, we expect massive volume very quickly and with that, it will turn into a bigger issue if we’re not adequately staffed in key areas. The telecom industry is very rough due to the regulatory environment, patent issues, etc. Unfortunately, that makes filling key management positions even more challenging and some of the people we've had in those positions have not lasted.

    In terms of actual service issues, everything seems to be running very smoothly with just minor issues cropping up.

    The one area we have identified as having some problems is with our call records. This is one area you will notice may be hit and miss for a while as we’re redoing the call log engine entirely. We need to be able to store terabytes of calls logs and be able to process them easily. This is not only just to display them for you, but also for regulatory compliance in the US. Beyond this, there are no major system issues.

    For those of you in the BETA, just continue to use your accounts as you have been and help us by reporting bugs. As thanks for your time in helping us test and improve our system, you will not be billed during the BETA and we will provide advance notice when we’re about to end it.

    We’ll be launching as soon as our people issues are solved. I expect this to be ironed out in the next few weeks as we have been doing a lot of interviewing and have some negotiations in the works here.

    We’d rather be conservative right now and take a loss by not launching too soon than to launch and not be able to handle the growth and cause service issues for you. We’re looking forward to launching soon. Thanks for your patience!
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Re: General Update

    Here are a few things to add to this for those of you here...

    2) We are primarily looking for Senior PHP/MySQL Developers (average $55K-$125K), SIP Engineers with OpenSER experience (average $75K-$150K), Senior Linux Admins (average $50K - $80K), and a Compliance Director with experience in the VoIP sector specifically dealing with taxation, CALEA, etc ($ TBD). Any referrals would be appreciated.

    3) Brandon Armstead is no longer with our company. Unfortunately, this is a very very large-scale launch (primarily because of HostGator) and we have to have people who can handle that. Frontend troubleshooting will be handled by backend programmers for now. Please use for specific issues.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: General Update

    Quote Originally Posted by VOIPoTim View Post
    3) Brandon Armstead is no longer with our company. Unfortunately, this is a very very large-scale launch (primarily because of HostGator) and we have to have people who can handle that. Frontend troubleshooting will be handled by backend programmers for now.
    I thought Brandon was doing very well for VOIPo? Is this the same Brandon that has been very helpful to those of us in this forum?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Central Cali :)

    Default Re: General Update

    I was wondering where Brandon went. He was very nice and also very helpful. But it looks like the call log thing did him in

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Operator...I've been Cut off! (Marie Antoinette's Last Voip Call)

    Thumbs up Re: General Update

    I just read this today and I respect your decision to wait until you feel it is safe to launch.
    Smart decision. Nothing else needs to be said. It takes a smart man to realize his shortcomings and address them head on.

    If it is not yet perfect, the negative perceptions will only grow exponentially as you add users on a less-than-perfect system/product.
    You are smart to avoid the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" critics by mapping out a sound plan for transition to launch.
    I've launched many telecom products in my career and this is the approach I'd take.
    Don't rush things - all good things come to those who someone once said.

    Also making continual staffing and management adjustments may sometimes sound ruthless but it is part of being a good businessman.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Re: General Update

    Quote Originally Posted by Montano View Post
    I was wondering where Brandon went. He was very nice and also very helpful. But it looks like the call log thing did him in
    I can't really get into details about particular employees but it wasn't just the call log thing at all.

    Certain events came to light recently (not the first time they came up) in regards to certain employees dealing with certain competitors. We’re not going to play blackmail/extortion games with our employees when it comes to threats to violate non-disclosure agreements, etc. ….especially when it’s happened more than once.

    Yes, we may lose a some money with a delay, but at the end of the day money is easy to replace…trust is not. We just need to do the right thing for the long-term.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook


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