I have bursts of problems with the service. Calls will go dead or drop. Calls will drop communications outgoing where your customer cannot hear you. Registration will occasionaly have to be reestablished. I have checked my network equipment and verified even during the times of problems that the internet and equipment is working perfectly. I can go for weeks with perfect service and then have ten calls in a row in a day that continue to drop communications. I have verified that some (even calls completed with VOIPo technical people never show up on the call history). This type of service is not tollerable when clients cannot communicate with each other and calls are continuously dropped or one way communications occurs.

The redeeming part about VOIPo service is that the people are all technical and try to work on the problems. Even with good technical people, if the problems remain, the service is not good phone service on a consistent basis. One suggestion by 3rd level technical support is to put the little grandstream in front of high end routers which makes as much sense as putting a Hyundai in front of a Lamborghini. I have repeatedly verified that that the router, cable service, and modem are not the issue especially since the router is using the DMZ with no firewall and all ports open to operated one device (the grandstream).

I wish 3rd level tech support would simply admit they have some very difficult problems and work on the problems while updating the customers. I believe the company has a good structure, but obviously needs to fix some problems.