Hi chpalmer:

Thank you so much for your info on this.

That pfSense link on adjusting pfSense for VoIP is so important. Did you adjust your pfSense that way? I wonder if m0n0wall has similiar settings? Hopefully so.

It's good to know you have 2 ATAs behind your router, with no port forwarding. Seems the only difference between your setup and mine, is you are using dhcp to your ATAs, and I'm using private static IPs there. And I'm using a public static IP on the wan of my router. That shouldn't cause any problems for me I don't think.

I guess you are using the Grandstream HT501 routers?

I have to run to church for now. I'll post a little more when I get back. My wife wants me to drive her to Gettysburg (about 30 miles away), so that might slow me down a little.

I do thank you so much for the input you are giving.

I wonder if there are any m0n0wll people here with 2 or more ATAs behind their router? Feel free to post. Thanks.
