Voipo's network seems to be working better now. I still get occasional notifications from my server monitoring service that voipo is down, but usually not down longer than a few seconds. The longest recent downtime was probably 20 or 30 seconds. So either they are monitoring better now, or not having as many outages in the first place.

Still some odd issues though. Numbers with no call history details. Numbers with broken features, like SMS, voicemail, forwarding, etc.

Biggest issue has been support though. Voipo has always been slow, but they are even slower now. I can open a ticket, and won't hear back for 12 to 24 hours. And then, when I do hear back, it is often something like "have you rebooted?" or "we made an adjustment... try it again now." I try it again, and find that it is still broken. So then I have to wait until the next day for a 2nd reply. Very frustrating.