As long as all your problems aren't users' ISP related and upstream-provider related, you'll be OK in the end.

Sorry, it's been a long week, and sometimes I need to vent, too.

Now on the serious side. I also appreciate the journey--at the very least, it's been nice to have a few free DIDs and channels to play with on my own * system. But it's also been good to help build a service from the ground up with the ability to provide feedback from a user's perspective very early in the process.

I'm really hoping for some good, low-cost options (for low use, at least in the near term--seems like Express will meet the need) with the option to build up/add services as I see fit. I don't know as if I'd take on a VOIPo line as primary at this time--there are a few options that I would like to have that you haven't developed yet (phone-based control panel--ability to program/activate/deactivate CFWD over a phone, for example), and you'd have to prove yourselves in a production environment before I'd put the WAF at risk...